Yves Oppenheim: Berlin Paintings 2002–2004

Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin 2004
With a text by April Elizabeth Lamm

‘If there were a blueprint – a plan of action – behind Yves Oppenheim’s ‘space of looking’, then one might say that the series produced within the years 2002 to 2004 meanders through a space of changing forms. Much like genes that take their cues from the relative circumstances shaping them, a Rothko-esque beginning flows into an exploration of conflicting paint chips; wild strokes then make an entrance on the canvas stage, canceling out what has taken place underneath. Blobs appear, and successions of layering point towards a discordant symphony.’

A. E. Lamm, ‘Lichtpauserei’, in Yves Oppenheim: Berlin Paintings 2002–2004, exh. cat., Berlin: Galerie Max Hetzler, 2004, p. 2

Publisher: Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin
Text: April Elizabeth Lamm
Publication date: 2004
Binding: Softcover
Dimensions: 29.7 x 21 x 0.6 cm
Pages: 41

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Related Exhibition

Yves Oppenheim

Berlin Paintings 2002-2004 (catalogue)

Holzmarktstraße 15-18, Berlin-Mitte


Exhibition page on maxhetzler.com