Jeremy Demester: Fire Walk With Me

Galerie Max Hetzler Berlin | Paris | London / Holzwarth Publications, Berlin 2018
With a text by Annabelle Gugnon and a booklet Raymond Hains: You Know Nothing Raymond

‘With the exhibition Fire Walk With Me, Demester catapults us into the savagery of the world. This wildness conquers our body. Our five senses cling to it, diffract it, try to tame it. The pigments, the forms, the movements of his canvases make visible the elements that stir the universe. They surface from the magma of colour and the precision of poetry as if from a parallel world that bubbles in the very heart of our lives. This world does not disclose itself but secretly guides desires, produces dreams, holds the memory of humanity, of our childhood.’

A. Gugnon, ‘Vision’, in Jeremy Demester: Fire Walk With Me, Paris/Berlin: Galerie Max Hetzler and Holzwarth Publications, 2018, p. 5

Publisher: Galerie Max Hetzler Berlin | Paris | London / Holzwarth Publications, Berlin
Text: Annabelle Gugnon
Publication date: 2018
Binding: Hardcover with Booklet
Dimensions: 31 x 24.5 x 1.5 cm
Pages: 64 and 20
ISBN: 978-3-947127-03-0

€ 45.00

Jeremy Demester

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Fire Walk With Me

Goethestraße 2/3, Berlin


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