Albert Oehlen: Gemälde/Paintings 1980–1982

Galerie Max Hetzler / Holzwarth Publications, Berlin 2002
With texts by Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen and Martin Prinzhorn (German / English)

‘There are no motifs that are thought-out or observed in the surroundings in the painting of Albert Oehlen or of Kippenberger and Büttner either. Their painting is not intended to portray any personal experiences but rather to present generalized experience in an exemplary manner. Therefore media deliver the themes. The images from newspapers and magazines represent a public interest and at the same time suggest a specific public with specific attitudes towards reality. “We didn’t want to denounce, but rather to inject ourselves into situations. Not to point our fingers to something but to create an ill-tempered mood ourselves.” This coupling of picture, imagination and ideology has its origin in Pop-Art and connects the German artists with the American appropriation artists such as Sherrie Levine or Richard Prince. The German artists, however, expand the ideological work to include the form as well, so that they are concerned, not just with the ideology of the everyday world, but at the same time with the demontage of traditional artistic genres such as painting.’

S. Schmidt-Wulffen, ‘To Claim That Things May Be Done Differently*’, in Albert Oehlen: Gemälde/Paintings 1980–1982, exh. cat., Berlin: Galerie Max Hetzler and Holzwarth Publications, 2002, p. 36

Publisher: Galerie Max Hetzler / Holzwarth Publications, Berlin
Texts: Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen and Martin Prinzhorn
Publication date: 2002
Binding: Hardcover
Dimensions: 29.5 x 24.4 x 1.2 cm
Pages: 47
ISBN: 3-935567-08-1

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Albert Oehlen

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Related Exhibition

Albert Oehlen

(catalogue "Paintings 1980–1982")

Zimmerstraße 90/91, Berlin-Mitte / Holzmarktstraße 15-18, Berlin-Mitte


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