Tursic & Mille

Alfonso Artiaco, Naples / Galerie Max Hetzler Berlin | Paris | London / Almine Rech Paris | Brussels | London | New York | Shanghai / Galerie Pietro Spartà, Chagny / Holzwarth Publications, Berlin 2019
With texts by Noëllie Roussel, Bernard Marcadé and an interview by Alison M. Gingeras

‘While much has been said about Tursic & Mille's use of found images as the basis for their work, these do not constitute the actual content or subject matter for their work. Rather, the images are used as starting points and building blocks to create something else, a relentless interrogation of what painting is capable of in the 21st century.’

Noëllie Roussel, ‘what I paint is very ordinary’, in: Tursic & Mille, exh. cat., Alfonso Artiaco, Naples / Galerie Max Hetzler Berlin | Paris | London / Almine Rech Paris | Brussels | London | New York | Shanghai / Galerie Pietro Spartà, Chagny and Holzwarth Publications, Berlin 2019, p. 197

Publisher: Alfonso Artiaco, Naples / Galerie Max Hetzler Berlin | Paris | London / Almine Rech Paris | Brussels | London | New York | Shanghai / Galerie Pietro Spartà, Chagny and Holzwarth Publications GmbH, Berlin
Publication date: 2019
Binding: Hardcover
Dimensions: 29.5 x 24.5 x 3 cm
Pages: 240
ISBN: 978-3-947127-20-7

€ 60.00

Tursic & Mille

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