Ernesto Neto: From Sebastian to Olivia

Galerie Max Hetzler / Holzwarth Publications, Berlin 2008
With letters written by Caoimhín Mac Giolla Leith, Dobrila Denegri, Franck Leibovici, Giovanna Zapperi, Hiromi Kitazawa, Tania Rivera and an essay by Sebastian Preuss

‘This art appeals to all the senses, it is a holistic experience. Ernesto Neto‘s sculptures (often they are sculptural landscapes rather than individually distinguished artefacts) seductively lead the eyes along their soft surfaces. Odours emanate: turmeric, cumin, and other exotic spices stimulate the nose. Many of the works can, are even supposed to be touched. Viewers are incited to bring their own corporeality into play by feeling the works with their hands. Reception of the art is an active process.’

S. Preuss, ‘The universe behind the skin’, in Ernesto Neto: From Sebasian to Olivia, exh. cat., Galerie Max Hetzler and Holzwarth Publications, 2007, p. 3

Publisher: Galerie Max Hetzler / Holzwarth Publications, Berlin
Letters: Caoimhín Mac Giolla Leith, Dobrila Denegri, Franck Leibovici, Giovanna Zapperi, Hiromi Kitazawa and Tania Rivera
Essay: Sebastian Preuss
Publication date: 2008
Binding: Hardcover
Dimensions: 27.5 x 21 x 1.7 cm
Pages: 114
ISBN: 978-3-935567-45-9

€ 45.00

Ernesto Neto

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Related Exhibition

Ernesto Neto

From Sebastian to Olivia (catalogue)

Oudenarder Straße 16-20, Berlin-Wedding


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