Darren Almond: Terminus

Galerie Max Hetzler / White Cube / Holzwarth Publications, Berlin 2007
Editor Kathleen Madden
With texts by Julian Heynen, Charity Scribner and a conversation between Mark Godfrey and Darren Almond

‘None of the images or objects can be definitively located on a particular time level; they all deal with different modes of time – and place. What we are shown is subtly arranged so that the viewer remains ever aware of his or her own time – and place; there is no substitute experience to be had. The places these works transport us to remain closed to us. They leave us as unsuccessful but newly thoughtful voyeurs. The paradox of these works, the tension they create and sustain, has roots in a radical, well-founded scepticism with regard to the possibility of ever really getting close to the unimaginable, combined with a scrupulous determination never to cease trying to understand. Neither seeing nor knowing will rescue us from this conflict. The forming of this dichotomy is the only thing that remains to us when there is no through-route to memory or empathy nor even to oblivion.’

J. Heynen, ‘Between place and frontier’, in Darren Almond: Terminus, exh. cat., Berlin/London: Galerie Max Hetzler, White Cube and Holzwarth Publications, 2006, p. 14

Publisher: Galerie Max Hetzler / White Cube / Holzwarth Publications
Texts: Julian Heynen, Charity Scribner and a conversation between Mark Godfrey and Darren Almond
Publication date: 2007
Binding: Hardcover
Dimensions: 28.5 x 19.3 x 2.1 cm
Pages: 156
ISBN: 978-3-935567-43-5

€ 50.00

Darren Almond

Artist page on maxhetzler.com


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Oudenarder Straße 16-20, Berlin-Wedding


Exhibition page on maxhetzler.com